Your Home is Someone’s Workplace

There are over 100,000 domestic workers in Los Angeles County. Domestic workers play an essential role in Los Angeles – they sustain Angelenos’ families and economy by caring for loved ones, children, seniors, and homes. Domestic workers are nannies, childcare providers in private homes, attendants to people with disabilities and older adults, housecleaners, cooks and gardeners. Domestic workers are afforded rights under the law. They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect within their workplace — which might be your home.

For Workers

Domestic workers are afforded rights such as the right to minimum wage, overtime pay, sick pay, and workers’ compensation, regardless of immigration status, race, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

For Employers

Employers get the quality of care they are looking for their families and homes when the domestic workers they employ are treated with dignity and respect. Take the Fair Care Pledge to show your commitment to keeping your home as a safe and equitable workplace. 


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA) launched the Los Angeles Immigrant Essential Workers Initiative to tighten the social safety net for immigrant workers by connecting them with County wraparound services.

As part of this initiative, the OIA launched the “Your Home is Someone Else’s Workplace” campaign to draw attention to issues confronting the domestic worker population, which in Los Angeles County, is predominantly immigrant women of color.

This online learning hub is a starting point for domestic employers and domestic workers to support them in maintaining a fair and responsible workplace.

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