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Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month with Us! 150 150 Tenny Minassian

Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month with Us!

June is Immigrant Heritage Month and we’re celebrating by sharing stories from our staff!

L.A. County is home to more than 10 million residents, with 140 cultures and over 224 languages represented. One in three Angelenos is an immigrant.

We’re also one of eight California counties with the largest population of refugees. We’ve partnered with the Department of Public Social Services to share these inspiring stories for Refugee Awareness Month and Refugee Awareness Day on June 18.

Join us by taking a selfie or video and posting your immigrant or refugee story using #WeAreLosAngeles.

Make sure to tag us @LAC4Immigrants on Twitter and Facebook and tag @LACountyDCBA on Instagram.

We’re here to help you! Contact us at (800) 593-8222 to get connected to resources for immigrants.

Share your story! take a selfie or video and post using hashtag we are los angeles

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