Know Your Rights Resources for Immigrants in Los Angeles County

During this time of federal immigration policy changes, the Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA) encourages immigrant communities to access the following resources to understand their rights and identify important local resources.

Please note: While OIA strives to include links to quality external websites, we are not responsible for the content or accuracy of information on these sites. The links are provided for informational purposes only and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by OIA. Users should exercise their own discretion when visiting external links.

Know Your Rights Workshops

Register for an immigration legal workshop to learn about:

  • Your rights if approached by Immigration authorities
  • Individual and family preparedness
  • Public charge and access to services
  • Avoiding fraud and getting legal assistance

Visit to register for a workshop near you.


Community Resources

Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)


Arrested or Detained Family Member

Know Your Rights: What to do if You are Arrested or Detained by Immigration

National Immigration Law Center. Resources available in multiple languages.

  • ICE Online Detainee Locator System use this page to locate a detainee who is currently in ICE custody or who has been in US Customs and Border Protection’s custody for more than 48 hours. Please note: Online Detainee Locator System cannot search for records of persons under the age of 18.
    • Tutorial by Immigrant Defenders Law Center

Bet Tzedek family preparedness toolkit including decisions on care for your children in the event of a parent being detained by immigration authorities.

Know Your Rights: In the Workplace

National Day Labor Organizing Network information for immigrant workers:

A Guide for Employers


Rapid Response and Support

Southern California Rapid Response Network: Call 888-624-4752 to report immigration enforcement and request referrals for legal immigration and other support services.

Immigrant Defenders Law Center: Call (213) 833-8283 to assist a relative or community member who has been detained by Immigration Enforcement. Calls will be responded to Monday-Friday from 9am to 4pm.

Public Charge and Benefits Access for Immigrants

OIA’s Public Charge FAQ provides detailed information on the public charge test and immigrant eligibility for public benefits, programs and services.

BAILA Network: offers benefits enrollment assistance, including answering questions about eligibility and public charge.

Schools and Universities


Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE): resources and guidance for schools, students, and families.

LAUSD: Informational Resource Guide for Immigrant Students and Families


Higher Education:

California Community College Campus Legal Services *

UCLA Legal Services *

CSU The California State University: Cal State Link*

*Services may be limited to students and employees. Consult with each provider for eligibility.



Stay Housed LA

Stay Housed LA. Eviction prevention resources for all persons in Los Angeles County, including immigrant tenants subjected to unlawful threats related to their immigration status.

Apply for Legal Help


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