DACA Resources
Note: This information page is being reviewed and edited following the June 18 Supreme Court ruling. Check back for updates.
- L.A. Justice Fund:
The L.A. Justice Fund is a partnership among Los Angeles County, the City of Los Angeles, and the philanthropic community and was created to provide legal representation to Los Angeles County residents who cannot afford an attorney and who are facing imminent deportation. Please see the list of L.A. Justice Fund Legal Service Providers on our OIA website an LA Justice Resource Directory.
In the event you don’t qualify for L.A. Justice Fund representation, you should contact the agencies on this list of pro-bono legal service providers for free or low-cost immigration advice.
- Know Your Rights
Everyone, documented or undocumented, is entitled to certain rights in the United States:
- RIGHT TO NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR, unless the immigration agent has a warrant to enter that is signed by a judge or magistrate and has your name on it.
- RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT and not answer questions from immigration agents.
- RIGHT NOT TO SIGN ANY PAPERS without first talking to an attorney.
- RIGHT TO TALK TO AN ATTORNEY at your own expense.
The Office of Immigrant Affairs prepared a Know Your Rights Pocket Card, which includes a “Red Card” that you may give to immigration agents. Print and keep this Pocket Card handy: oia.lacounty.gov.
- Other Resources and Information
The Los Angeles County departments listed below may have additional helpful information.
- Information regarding reduction, dismissal or expungement of previous criminal convictions (post-conviction review)
- Copy of your child support payment records
- Copy of your file if you were under their care
Consumer and Business Affairs:
- Assistance with immigration fraud complaints
- Records of consumer complaints you filed with the department
- Copy of your case records
- Assistance and resources for victims of domestic violence
- School enrollment and attendance records
- Verification of graduation
- Copy of your medical records
- Letter to verify your visits to its facilities
- Birth records
- Copy of your mental health records
- Letter to verify your visits to its mental health clinics
Military and Veterans Affairs:
- Copy of your military records
- Information regarding reduction, dismissal or expungement of previous criminal convictions (post-conviction review)
- Copy of your medical records
- Copy of Immunization records
- Verification of library visits record at no cost
- Copy of your case records and information about DPSS programs that DACA recipients may qualify for
Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk:
- Marriage license
- Birth certificate
- Property tax payment records
Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services:
- Records of your visits or participation at County community centers
Dishonest immigration consultants often defraud consumers by charging fees for illegal or misleading services including giving legal advice, claiming to have inside “connections” or saying they know special laws. Consumers who deal with these people often lose their money and can hurt their chances to adjust their immigration status. Immigration consultants may include: “notarios”, paralegals or anyone offering immigration-related services. No matter what they call themselves, immigration consultants must follow the law.
Learn how to prevent, report, and resolve immigration fraud HERE.