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Tenny Minassian

woman standing in the kitchen
DCBA Stories: Providing Hope 1024 799 Tenny Minassian

DCBA Stories: Providing Hope

DCBA Stories is an ongoing series of articles showcasing the many ways the staff of the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs answer the call to help the people of Los Angeles County.

The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs has led the way in government sector service for and partnership with immigrant and undocumented communities. Here is a story of a family that was helped by Anai, a member of DCBA’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA).

The connection began when Ms. Picuru’s* dire circumstances were referred by the office of Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis to OIA. A native of a Central American nation, she sought to provide for her family as best she could in the San Gabriel Valley. Reuniting with her teenage and adult daughters, as well as meeting her grandchild for the first time, was bittersweet. Despite working when possible, caring for her toddler, and lending her support to her recently arrived family, Ms. Picuru moved closer to homelessness.

Anai, a counselor with OIA, received the referral and immediately began to assess her client’s needs. She assisted the family with their application for CalWORKs, CalFresh, and Medi-Cal through the Department of Public Social Services. She also helped the family receive a cash assistance grant from Thai Community Development Center. Ms. Picuru used these funds to search for a more stable and habitable place to live. Anai also connected Ms. Picuru to a counsleor from the Department of Mental Health. The entire family is now receiving on-going counseling services.

In line with her commitment to service, Anai was determined to make the 2021 Holiday Season memorable for Ms. Picuru and her family so she organized an Adopt-a-Family project among her colleagues who were eager to support. On the week of Thanksgiving, Anai and her coworker Amy dropped off boxes of clothing, food, and gift cards. Ms. Picuru and her family were grateful for their unexpected gifts. So too was the entire OIA family for being able to serve in partnership with the Picuru family.

The Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs helps all immigrants learn about available services for them and their families. For more information visit Counselors like Anai are ready to support by calling (800) 593-8222 or by appointment to have a counselor reach you at the best and most convenient time.

* Note: Some names and specific details of cases featured in DCBA Stories have been adjusted to respect the privacy of our team members and the people we serve.

Housekeeper washing the dishes wearing protective mask
LA County, Partners Announce “Your Home is Someone’s Workplace” Campaign to Help Protect Domestic Workers 1024 645 Tenny Minassian

LA County, Partners Announce “Your Home is Someone’s Workplace” Campaign to Help Protect Domestic Workers

The Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA), in the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA) hosted a media forum to promote a new campaign: “Your Home Is Someone’s Workplace: Domestic Work in Los Angeles County” to raise awareness of how LA County can help protect and advance the well-being of domestic workers.

“Your Home is Someone’s Workplace” highlights how domestic workers have contributed to the County’s economic survival during the pandemic, how private-household and other employers can provide fair and responsible workplaces, and how the media can help the County’s efforts to support all workers in LA County, including domestic workers.

The media forum coincided with this week’s approval by the Board of Supervisors to create the Office of Labor Equity within DCBA. The new office will target enforcement on key industries, including the domestic work industry. The Office of Labor Equity will build on the successful track record of DCBA’s Wage Enforcement program, which has investigated complaints of minimum wage violations in unincorporated Los Angeles County and helped put millions of dollars in back wages and fines back into the pockets of for workers. DCBA also helped to implement the innovative worker protections the Board put into place during the pandemic, including paid vaccine leave, Hero Pay for grocery store workers, and health and safety anti-retaliation ordinances.

Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, who authored the motion to create the new Office of Labor Equity, co-hosted the forum with OIA. They were joined by the California Domestic Workers Coalition, and Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network.

“People are leaving the workforce because they don’t feel valued, and how can employees feel valued if their employers put employee health at risk by failing to enforce vaccination or mask mandates, don’t pay a minimum wage, or fail to pay overtime?,” said Kuehl. “Employers need to understand the root causes of The Great Attrition, and step up to provide a high level of workplace safety, wage compliance, and flexibility to their workers. LA County‘s recovery will not go well if workers continue to leave our local economy.”

“The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs is committed to protecting LA County workers by enforcing several worker protection ordinances and securing back wages owed to workers,” said DCBA Director Rafael Carbajal. “The new Office of Labor Equity will be equipped to expand our efforts to ensure workers, including domestic workers, are treated equitably throughout the county.”

“The majority of domestic workers are immigrant women of color. This media forum underscores the importance of applying the immigrant lens to understand the unique experiences of immigrant workers in the County,” said Rigo Reyes, OIA Executive Director.

“The California Domestic Workers Coalition is honored to be part of this event. Media forums like these and initiatives such as the creation of the Office of Labor Equity are how we will continue to create a path that centers, uplifts and makes visible the stories of the thousands of domestic workers that are caring for our families every day, but also seeking dignity at their workplaces,” offered Kimberly Alvarenga, Director of the California Domestic Workers Coalition.

“There are 2 million households in California that hire for childcare, housecleaning or homecare. Due to the invisibility of this work, most of these households don’t realize they are considered employers with responsibilities. Today’s L.A. County forum on domestic work is an incredible opportunity to invite journalists to be partners in educating domestic employers about how to follow the law and treat their employees fairly,” said Stacy Kono, Executive Director of Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network.

This forum was moderated by Annabelle Sodano, Emmy Award-winning journalist and Univision anchor and reporter. You can watch a recording of the forum here and watch a short video announcement here.

Click here for more information about “Your Home Is Someone Else’s Workplace” campaign on domestic workers.

Click here for information about the County’s wage enforcement program in unincorporated areas.

Father Hugging Son Sitting On Steps Outside Home
Together again: One family reunited in Los Angeles County 1024 683 Tenny Minassian

Together again: One family reunited in Los Angeles County

Earlier this year, as thousands of migrant children crossed into the United States without parents or guardians, the Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs, part of the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA), joined with other County agencies and the federal government for a unique humanitarian mission to care for these vulnerable children.

When the mission was over, more than 8,000 children were reunited with their loved ones and sponsors.
We invite you to meet one family reunited in Los Angeles County.

Juntos de nuevo: Una familia reunida en el Condado de Los Ángeles

A principios de este año, cuando miles de niños migrantes cruzaron a los Estados Unidos sin padres o tutores, la Oficina de Asuntos de Inmigrantes del Condado de Los Ángeles, parte del Departamento de Servicios para Consumidores y Negocios (DCBA), se unió a otras agencias del Condado y al gobierno federal para una misión humanitaria única para cuidar a estos niños vulnerables.
Cuando terminó la misión, más de 8.000 niños fueron reunidos con sus seres queridos y patrocinadores.
Conozca a una familia reunida en el Condado de Los Ángeles.

Juntas de nuevo: Una familia reunida en el Condado de Los Ángeles | Together again: One family reunited in Los Angeles County from Los Angeles County Newsroom on Vimeo.

LA County, Partners Host Unaccompanied Children, Families 150 150 Tenny Minassian

LA County, Partners Host Unaccompanied Children, Families

Youth participating in arts and crafts during the Office of Immigrant Affairs' Welcome Day

Youth participates in arts and crafts during the Office of Immigrant Affairs’ Welcome Fair.

On Saturday, September 25 the Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs (OIA), in the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA), and its partners hosted a free community event to provide vital information and services for unaccompanied children and their families.

The Welcome Fair for Unaccompanied Children and their Families was a one-day event at East Los Angeles College, bringing together dozens of County departments, LA City agencies, and community organizations to provide services in a welcoming, safe and supportive environment. Available resources were provided to the families in attendance, including immigration orientations; educational access services; employment and career guidance; health and wellness information; nutrition and food resources; and arts, culture, and recreational activities.

Along with OIA, co-hosts included Los Angeles County Chair of the Board of Supervisors Hilda L. Solis; Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project a program of Catholic Charities of Los Angeles Inc. (Esperanza); Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office of Immigrant Affairs; Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE); and Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE).

“In launching the emergency intake site for unaccompanied children at the Pomona Fairplex in partnership with President Biden, I made a commitment to ensure unaccompanied children would be welcomed by our community and network of organizations, including our County family,” shared Chair Solis. “I am so thankful to today’s partners in helping us make sure that youth and their sponsors receive the support they need to live healthy and productive lives.”

“Los Angeles is a place of belonging, where immigrants have made their homes for centuries,” said Mayor Garcetti. “We are proud to welcome these children and their families, and help connect them with the support and resources needed to start a new life.”

“This Welcome Fair demonstrates the power of community,” said Rafael Carbajal, DCBA Director, “where organizations and individuals come together to serve young people and their families in a time of need.”

“The LA County Office of Immigrant Affairs is here to welcome all immigrants and their families into the LA County family, and to help them get access to wraparound support services,” said Rigo Reyes, OIA Executive Director. “From health and nutrition to arts and culture and everything in between, there is always valuable help for everyone.”

“Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project serves thousands of unaccompanied minors by providing free legal representation and community education,” said Kimberley Plotnik, Esperanza’s Director. “The Welcome Fair communicates a powerful and timely message – that all immigrants are welcome in Los Angeles and that local stakeholders are standing together to support them.”

“We know that these children and their families will need to overcome many barriers to learning as they navigate through uncharted territory in a completely new environment,” said Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools Debra Duardo, MSW, Ed.D. “These resources are essential to ensuring that all students have equitable access to a quality education that addresses the needs of our most vulnerable school communities.”

Other agencies providing services included: LA County Dream Resource Center; Los Angeles Unified School District’s School Enrollment Placement and Assessment (SEPA) Center; Math on the Border; Johns Well Child and Family Center; La Linterna at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles; Clínica Romero; Amanecer Community Counseling; USC Telehealth; International Institute of Los Angeles; The Echo Park Refugee Welcoming Center; Homies Unidos; YMCA; Opportunities For Youth; San Fernando Valley Refugee Children Center; and Los Angeles-based artist and educator Phung Huynh.

El condado de Los Ángeles y organizaciones comunitarias acoge a niños no acompañados y sus familias en la Feria de Bienvenida

LOS ÁNGELES – El sábado 25 de septiembre, la Oficina de Asuntos de Inmigrantes del Condado de Los Ángeles (OIA), en el Departamento de Servicios para Consumidores y Negocios (DCBA), y sus socios, organizaron un evento comunitario gratuito para proporcionar información y servicios vitales para los niños no acompañados y sus familias.

La Feria de Bienvenida para Niños No Acompañados y sus Familias fue un evento de un día en East Los Angeles College, que reunió a docenas de departamentos del Condado, agencias de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles y organizaciones comunitarias para brindar servicios en un ambiente acogedor, seguro y de apoyo. Se proporcionaron los recursos disponibles a las familias asistentes, incluyendo orientaciones de inmigración; servicios de acceso a la educación; empleo y orientación profesional; información sobre salud y bienestar; nutrición y recursos alimenticios; y las artes, la cultura y las actividades recreativas.

Junto con OIA, los coanfitriones incluyeron a la Presidenta de la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Los Ángeles, Hilda L. Solís; Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project, un programa de Caridades Católicas de Los Ángeles Inc. (Esperanza); la Oficina de Asuntos de Inmigrantes del alcalde de Los Ángeles, Eric Garcetti; Clero y Laicos Unidos por la Justicia Económica (CLUE); y la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Los Ángeles (LACOE).

“Al lanzar el sitio de admisión de emergencia para niños no acompañados en el Pomona Fairplex en asociación con el presidente Biden, me comprometí a garantizar que los niños no acompañados sean bienvenidos por nuestra comunidad y red de organizaciones, incluida nuestra familia del condado,” compartió la presidenta Solís. “Estoy muy agradecida con los socios de hoy por ayudarnos a asegurarnos de que los jóvenes y sus patrocinadores reciban el apoyo que necesitan para vivir vidas saludables y productivas.”

“Los Ángeles es un lugar de pertenencia, donde los inmigrantes han hecho sus hogares durante siglos,” dijo el alcalde Garcetti. “Estamos orgullosos de dar la bienvenida a estos niños y sus familias, y ayudar a conectarlos con el apoyo y los recursos necesarios para comenzar una nueva vida.”

“Esta Feria de Bienvenida demuestra el poder de la comunidad,” dijo Rafael Carbajal, Director de DCBA, “donde organizaciones e individuos se unen para servir a jovenes y a sus familias en momentos de necesidad.”

“La Oficina de Asuntos de Inmigrantes del Condado de Los Ángeles está aquí para dar la bienvenida a todos los inmigrantes y sus familias a la familia del Condado de Los Ángeles, y para ayudarlos a obtener acceso a servicios de apoyo integrales,” dijo Rigo Reyes, Director Ejecutivo de OIA. “Desde la salud y la nutrición hasta las artes y la cultura y todo lo demás, siempre hay una ayuda valiosa para todos.”

“Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project atiende a miles de menores no acompañados al proporcionar representación legal gratuita y educación comunitaria,” dijo Kimberley Plotnik, Directora de Esperanza. “La Feria de Bienvenida comunica un mensaje poderoso y oportuno: que todos los inmigrantes son bienvenidos en Los Ángeles y que las partes interesadas locales se unen para apoyarlos.”

“Sabemos que estos niños y sus familias tendrán que superar muchas barreras para el aprendizaje a medida que navegan a través de un territorio desconocido en un entorno completamente nuevo,” dijo la Superintendente de Escuelas del Condado de Los Ángeles, Debra Duardo, MSW, Ed.D. “Estos recursos son esenciales para garantizar que todos los estudiantes tengan acceso equitativo a una educación de calidad que aborde las necesidades de nuestras comunidades escolares más vulnerables.”

Otras agencias que brindan servicios incluyen: LA County Dream Resource Center; Centro de Colocación y Evaluación de Inscripción Escolar (SEPA) del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Los Ángeles; Matemáticas en la frontera; Johns Well Child and Family Center; La Linterna en el Hospital de Niños de Los Ángeles; Clínica Romero; Consejería Comunitaria Amanecer; USC Telesalud; Instituto Internacional de Los Ángeles; El Centro de Acogida de Refugiados de Echo Park; Homies Unidos; YMCA; Oportunidades para los jóvenes; Centro de Niños Refugiados del Valle de San Fernando; y la artista y educadora Phung Huynh, con sede en Los Ángeles.

Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month with Us! 150 150 Tenny Minassian

Celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month with Us!

June is Immigrant Heritage Month and we’re celebrating by sharing stories from our staff!

L.A. County is home to more than 10 million residents, with 140 cultures and over 224 languages represented. One in three Angelenos is an immigrant.

We’re also one of eight California counties with the largest population of refugees. We’ve partnered with the Department of Public Social Services to share these inspiring stories for Refugee Awareness Month and Refugee Awareness Day on June 18.

Join us by taking a selfie or video and posting your immigrant or refugee story using #WeAreLosAngeles.

Make sure to tag us @LAC4Immigrants on Twitter and Facebook and tag @LACountyDCBA on Instagram.

We’re here to help you! Contact us at (800) 593-8222 to get connected to resources for immigrants.

Share your story! take a selfie or video and post using hashtag we are los angeles

DACA Resources 150 150 Tenny Minassian

DACA Resources

Note: This information page is being reviewed and edited following the June 18 Supreme Court ruling. Check back for updates.


  1. L.A. Justice Fund:

The L.A. Justice Fund is a partnership among Los Angeles County, the City of Los Angeles, and the philanthropic community and was created to provide legal representation to Los Angeles County residents who cannot afford an attorney and who are facing imminent deportation. Please see the list of L.A. Justice Fund Legal Service Providers on our OIA website an LA Justice Resource Directory.

In the event you don’t qualify for L.A. Justice Fund representation, you should contact the agencies on this list of pro-bono legal service providers for free or low-cost immigration advice.

  1. Know Your Rights

Everyone, documented or undocumented, is entitled to certain rights in the United States:

  • RIGHT TO NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR, unless the immigration agent has a warrant to enter that is signed by a judge or magistrate and has your name on it.
  • RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT and not answer questions from immigration agents.
  • RIGHT NOT TO SIGN ANY PAPERS without first talking to an attorney.
  • RIGHT TO TALK TO AN ATTORNEY at your own expense.

The Office of Immigrant Affairs prepared a Know Your Rights Pocket Card, which includes a “Red Card” that you may give to immigration agents. Print and keep this Pocket Card handy:

  1. Other Resources and Information

The Los Angeles County departments listed below may have additional helpful information.

Alternate Public Defender: 

  • Information regarding reduction, dismissal or expungement of previous criminal convictions (post-conviction review)

Child Support Services: 

  • Copy of your child support payment records

Children and Family Services: 

  • Copy of your file if you were under their care 

Consumer and Business Affairs: 

  • Assistance with immigration fraud complaints
  • Records of consumer complaints you filed with the department

Domestic Violence Council: 

  • Copy of your case records
  • Assistance and resources for victims of domestic violence

Office of Education:

  • School enrollment and attendance records
  • Verification of graduation

Health Services: 

  • Copy of your medical records
  • Letter to verify your visits to its facilities
  • Birth records

Mental Health: 

  • Copy of your mental health records
  • Letter to verify your visits to its mental health clinics

 Military and Veterans Affairs: 

  • Copy of your military records

 Public Defender: 

  • Information regarding reduction, dismissal or expungement of previous criminal convictions (post-conviction review)

Public Health: 

  • Copy of your medical records
  • Copy of Immunization records

Public Library:

  • Verification of library visits record at no cost

Public Social Services:

  • Copy of your case records and information about DPSS programs that DACA recipients may qualify for

Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk:

  • Marriage license
  • Birth certificate

Treasurer and Tax Collector:

  • Property tax payment records

Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services:

  • Records of your visits or participation at County community centers


Dishonest immigration consultants often defraud consumers by charging fees for illegal or misleading services including giving legal advice, claiming to have inside “connections” or saying they know special laws. Consumers who deal with these people often lose their money and can hurt their chances to adjust their immigration status. Immigration consultants may include: “notarios”, paralegals or anyone offering immigration-related services. No matter what they call themselves, immigration consultants must follow the law.

Learn how to prevent, report, and resolve immigration fraud HERE.

DACA Facts 150 150 Tenny Minassian

DACA Facts

Note: This information page is being reviewed and edited following the June 18 Supreme Court ruling. Check back for updates.


This document provides general information, and legal questions should be directed to an attorney. The Office of Immigrant Affairs can assist you with finding free or low-cost immigration advice.

  1. New DACA Applications or Renewals
  • After September 5, 2017, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) no longer accepts new DACA applications.
  • If you currently have DACA or if you have ever had DACA previously, the USCIS will accept renewal applications.
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has advised that it will not target DACA recipients or applicants for renewal for enforcement. However, before submitting your renewal application you should consult with an immigration attorney if you have had any criminal convictions while receiving DACA benefits. For a list of legal and financial resources click here. Note that any criminal record may put you at risk with immigration authorities. You should discuss your individual circumstances with an experienced immigration attorney before you decide whether to renew your DACA.
  1. Risk of Deportation

A 2012 Executive Order granted DACA recipients “deferred action” from deportation. This means that a DACA recipient was deferred from removal action based on discretionary prosecutorial authority. Revoking DACA implies that DACA recipients will be treated in the same manner as all other undocumented immigrants. It does not necessarily mean that DACA recipients will be prioritized for deportation. However, the Administration has stated that it is prioritizing for removal anyone convicted of a crime or otherwise posing a threat to public safety.

  1. Work Permit

The employment authorization document (EAD) does not currently indicate that it was granted as a result of DACA. Therefore, an EAD should be valid until its expiration date.  You have the right to work legally until your work permit’s expiration date.

Your employer does not have the right to ask you whether you are a DACA recipient or how you got your work permit.

Your employer does not have the right to fire you, put you on leave, or change your work status until after your work permit has expired. If your expiration date is nearing, your employer may ask you for an updated work permit but cannot take any action against you until after it is expired.

Please contact the Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs if you believe that your employer has discriminated or retaliated against you due to your immigration status.

  1. Social Security Number (SSN)

If you have not applied for a social security number, you should do so immediately while your DACA and work permit are still valid. You may continue to use your SSN obtained under DACA for educational, banking, and housing purposes, even if your DACA expires or is revoked. Your SSN cannot be used for employment purposes without a valid work permit.

  1. Driver’s License and State ID

California Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60) allows you to apply for a California Driver’s License, even if your DACA expires or is revoked. The California Department of Motor Vehicles will grant you a Driver’s License if you meet their requirements regardless of your immigration status. Visit the DMV website for details on how to obtain a Driver’s License under AB 60:

  1. Travel on Advance Parole

Advance parole is a permit to allow someone who does not have a valid immigrant visa to re-enter the United States after traveling abroad.  Advance parole is no longer available for DACA recipients.

  1. Medical Coverage

Currently, there are no changes to the Medi-Cal program for DACA recipients.  DACA recipients will continue to receive full-scope, state-funded Medi-Cal as long as they otherwise meet all Medi-Cal eligibility requirements.

  1. Student Financial Aid

If you are receiving state-funded financial aid while attending California colleges, you will not lose your financial aid. Stated-funded financial aid was made available to DACA recipients based on the California Dream Act. Regardless of DACA status, the California Dream Act will remain intact. The California Student Aid Commission will not share your personal information with the federal government or immigration enforcement agencies.

What is DACA? 150 150 Tenny Minassian

What is DACA?

Note: This information page is being reviewed and edited following the June 18 Supreme Court ruling. Check back for updates.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

In June 2012, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program or DACA. The program provides qualifying individuals:

  • Permission to Stay– DACA provides permission for individuals to live, work, and study in the U.S. DACA benefits last for two years, and can be renewed.
  • Opportunity to Renew– DACA can be renewed every two years. You cannot age-out of the DACA program.
  • Benefits – DACA recipients can apply for a work permit and get a social security number and driver’s license.

Even though DACA grants lawful presence in the United States, it will NOT change your immigration status and is NOT a pathway to citizenship. DACA benefits do not extend to family members and can be terminated at any time.


DACA was available to individuals who:

  • Were under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012;
  • Came to the United States before reaching their 16th birthday;
  • Had continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007, up to the present time;
  • Were physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, and at the time of applying for DACA;
  • Had no lawful status on June 15, 2012;
  • Were currently in school, had graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, had obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, or was an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States; and
  • Had not been convicted of a felony, a significant misdemeanor, or three or more other misdemeanors, and did not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety.
  • For more details on eligibility requirements visit the USCIS’s Frequently Asked Questions page or consult with an attorney.
News Updates 150 150 Tenny Minassian

News Updates

[inel_list][inel_listitem]USCIC Announces Public Charge Implementation Date Following Supreme Court Ruling — January 30, 2020. Read announcement[/inel_listitem][inel_listitem]OIA Executive Director Rigo Reyes Discusses Public Charge with Spectrum News — January 25, 2020 Click to watch segment[/inel_listitem][inel_listitem]Alert from L.A. County following court action to block implementation of Final Public Charge Rule — October 22, 2019

Federal court judges in California and several other states have ordered that the Department of Homeland Security cannot implement and enforce the Final Rule on Public Charge Inadmissibility (Final Rule), which was set to go into effect on October 15, 2019. The court orders also postpone the effective date of the Final Rule until the cases are fully resolved, which could take months. This means that the current Public Charge Rule (without the recently adopted changes related to Medi-Cal, CalFresh, and federal housing programs, among other things) remains in effect until further notice.

[/inel_listitem][inel_listitem]Media Release: Comment of the County of Los Angeles on Proposed Public Charge Rule — December 10, 2018
Read More[/inel_listitem][inel_listitem]Comment of the County of Los Angeles on Proposed Public Charge Rule — December 10, 2018
Read More[/inel_listitem][inel_listitem]L.A. County BOS: Opposing the Proposed Public Charge Rule — October 2, 2018
Read the Full Motion
[/inel_listitem][inel_listitem]L.A. County BOS Send Letters to Department of Homeland Security, U.S House of Representatives, United States Senate and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra   — October 5, 2018
5 Signature Letters from the Board of Supervisors 
[/inel_listitem][inel_listitem]Statement from Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis on Public Charge  — October 2, 2018
Read More[/inel_listitem][inel_listitem]Statement from Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl on Public Charge — October 2, 2018
Read More[/inel_listitem][/inel_list]

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